Welcome to Julia Scalise, DN, PhD

Doctor of Naturology, Holistic Health Consultant and Energy-Work Practitioner

Candida/Yeast Overgrowth

Candida/Yeast Overgrowth

If you have a history of antibiotic usage, steroid usage, Birth Control pill usage, a diet that has been high in refined carbohydrates and processed sugar, or if you find you crave sweets or alcohol, you may benefit from a Candida Cleanse. Please take the test listed on my website for further clarification if Candida/ Yeast Overgrowth may be an issue for you. If you are a female and score higher than 60, Candida/Yeast Overgrowth may be an underlying cause of your complaints. Likewise, if you are a male and score more than 40, Candida/Yeast Overgrowth may be an underlying cause of your complaints. If you read my blog on this website about Candida and have issues listed in the article, Candida/ Yeast Overgrowth may be an issue.

I utilize a specific product line, available at online retailers or in most local health food stores. Along with the list of products suggested, I offer a specific Anti-Candida/Yeast Overgrowth diet to help with the elimination process while supplying sources of quality nutrition.

The process takes about 4 weeks. You will be able to participate in your routine activities of daily living and it will not interfere with your ability to work.

If you feel Candida/Yeast Overgrowth may be an underlying issue for your complaints, contact me for a consultation.

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