Welcome to Julia Scalise, DN, PhD

Doctor of Naturology, Holistic Health Consultant and Energy-Work Practitioner

Dr Julia in the Media

Dr. Julia is a #1 Best Selling Author and highly respected holistic practitioner in her field. She consults for numerous other practitioners in finding underlying causes for ongoing health issues for clients referred to her by these practitioners. Because of her expertise, she is also interviewed, quoted, and featured in other media outlets.

On this page you can see some of her featured comments, quotes, and interviews from various media sources.

Nature Deficit Disorder at Issuu Magazine
Julia Scalise article to Issuu Magazine

Over the past few decades, sadly more and more humans are disconnecting from Nature and its benefits. So much so, that behavioral, mental, emotional, and physical issues are developing or escalating to the point that that the term “Nature Deficit Disorder” is now being used to describe the effect of this disconnection...
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3 Benefits of Publishing a Book
3 Benefits of Publishing a Book

Over the years that I've worked with clients, I've often heard and received requests from them to write a book. They wished to have a consolidation of bits of advice, and words of wisdom on health and well-being to help them remember information discussed during our consultations and to also share that information with their family and friends...
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The Best Vitamins for Acne
The Best Vitamins for Acne

While there's no single cause for acne, experts agree that lacking certain nutrients may play a role. These are the vitamins, minerals, and herbs that support healthy skin and may help stop those embarrassing breakouts...
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When a Cold is Not Just a Cold
When A Cold Is Not Just A Cold

It's safe to say that cold season is in full effect. The constant hustle and bustle of the holidays (along with a little extra indulgence in our favorite seasonal sweets and cocktails) can definitely knock our defenses down a peg...
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Hydrate Wisely!
Hydrate Wisely

Dr. Julia Scalise was interviewed and quoted by www.thedailymeal.com for a tip on how to stay hydrated and avoid heat exhaustion. Read more

Improving Your Long-Term Memory
Improving Your Long-Term Memory

Through partnership between MariaShriver.com (Igniting Architects of Change), and FamilyAffaires.com, some of Dr. Julia's articles are periodically chosen to be shared by Maria Shriver on her website for her viewer audience. Read more

4 Health Tips for Cold and Flu Season
4 Health Tips for Cold and Flu Season

Through partnership between MariaShriver.com (Igniting Architects of Change), and FamilyAffaires.com, some of Dr. Julia's articles are periodically chosen to be shared by Maria Shriver on her website for her viewer audience. Read more

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